Joined 6 years ago
Interactive digital media developer.
I specialize in rapid development, UI, optimization, stuff like that.
Two AIs working together moving the towers around. Manual input is also implemented.
Despite a bit of refactoring, there are still a few small AI bugs. Those need to be ironed out before I can experiment some more tomorrow.
(Doublehanoi? hAInoidual? Hacoopanoid? I'm taking it too far…)
There are familiar towers ahead:
275 lines of code (with Godot as the base) and an AI is born. Sure, it is as basic as it gets, searching though a limited set of states, but I'm sure I can make something interesting out of this.
You read that right, but don't fret. The complex name hides nothing but a simple duel about time estimation with a cat.
The weekend came and went on other business. Now is the time for a quick project, once again. I do seem to have settled into a concerning habit concerning jamming. The design is much more simple as a result, though.
Sound effects, UI improvements and a teeny-tiny change to the rules… That's what a quick post-jam version is made of.
It is done, even took a break already!
Started recording 5 hours before the deadline. Implementing and testing the voices took a while. Also a load of tweaks, including some visual improvements.
Phew! Could continue working on sound effects and more graphics (for instance a proper background), but I'll much rather finish for the competition and be done with it.
Cheers and good luck.
So ah, everything but the voiceovers… Something for tomorrow then, eh! No pressure.
Should be able to put in some other sounds too. What did the rules say about third party assests again? I'll look into it with fresh eyes.
As the title states, a few things got done. The code needed some further wrangling to support random levels and I did dable in lighting effects just cause.
The gifs are getting smaller and choppier by the hour
I'll finally get to the writing and voice acting now. They'll do much more for the mood than any graphics I can muster, that's for sure.
So, which classic puzzle did I use as inspiration this time? Take a gander and a guess.
A line in the wrong position and wrong angle stays white and disappears.
A line in the wrong position but correct angle becomes yellow and disappears.
A line in the correct position and correct angle becomes red and stays.
Try to find all of the red lines.
In other words… It is 2D Mastermind!
Just a few more things to do before audio. I'll concentrate on that this time as I got a taste for voice acting in the last Global Game Jam.
Spellcasting! I would have preferred Little Robot Workers, but here we go. Think, brain; something simple, please! Took a walk and came up with a plan: drawing lines in a magic circle, trying to find proper symbols.
A puzzle once again, those are quick to make. Will throw in the logic tomorrow and concentrate on audio-visuals as much as possible.