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Games (49)

Items 21 - 40 sorted by game hotness
Goblins like your tower. Don't let them in!
The Crystal Tower
by bradur, Juutis, M2tias
Karma: 101Team
Connect the cities and landmarks of France's Sud Ouest with the famous TGV !
TGV Connections: le Sud Ouest Express
by matote, Arkhann
Karma: 91Team
First jam, its bad
Lost wifi
by Zondar
Karma: 91Unranked
A tool for creating simple cutscene / animated bits in Turtle Brains.
Cutscene Editor (unfinished)
by TimBeaudet
Karma: 96Unranked
Order the objects in the order of shape or color in order to get a high score!
Orderly Objects
by HuvaaKoodia
Karma: 103Unranked
Time Trial Time!
Connection Race
by maartene
Karma: 92Unranked
Pick up and place wires, make connections, use these connections, don't kill yourself.
This Game under Maintenance
by Corbarrad
Karma: 100Unranked
Be a telephone operator.
How May I Direct Your Call?
by Birdwards
Karma: 121Solo
collect chests, stick to objects
can't. let. go.
by remco
Karma: 97Solo
Rescue as many Spirits and rack up a highscore
by CFusion
Karma: 102Solo
Keep the virus alive
by Ridderfar, TheKillerFly
Karma: 90Team
a puzzle platfomer game
The Great Bear
by Talia
Karma: 95Solo
They don't make 'em like they used to
by hattoum
Karma: 91Solo
An obviously true story about how a Yeti wants to destroy a 5G tower by throwing it over the edge of the Earth
Yeti vs 5G
by Yaro
Karma: 97Solo
Think of a hookshot. Got it? Great! Also, the floor is lava.
The Principle of Maximum Action
by Mills !
Karma: 96Solo
Get tootin and help those people find their dreams
On Rails
by maz, BisTheFairy, Theenie, alyphen
Karma: 85Team
Protect the Love door by creating couples
God of Love
by Ilkalys, Grossbaff
Karma: 95Team
Become a straight up L33t Hax0r in this little node-based game.
by Baconinvader, mit-mit
Karma: 101Team
Connect callers to their destination under strict time pressure
Loose Connection
by Banana
Karma: 91Solo
A Game Where You Have To Protect A Box From Enemies Trying To Damage It.
by BPM
Karma: 98Solo