
TimTips #71

Joined 7 years ago


I'm In! 0

TimTips • 2 years ago 

Hey guys, I'm in!
a few weeks ago, I've been learning to use Blender a little better. I did the infamous beginner Donut-Tutorial and some other stuff and had a lot of fun. So this time I aim to create a game in 3D - which I haven't done in forever.
I'll use Unity together with Jetbrains Rider. I'll create some music and sound effects with virtual instruments (mostly Native Instruments) and Reaper.
Looking forward to making a game and to see and play yours!

edit: I'm really looking forward to the kickoff stream! Thanks for hosting that guys!

Many maps 0

TimTips • 4 years ago 

The basic gameplay loop works! Ithink I'll benefit from some sleep now.
The basic Idea of my game is:
You found some treasure maps, but you don't know which one is the correct one. You basically have to sail around, compare your surroundings with the different maps and figure out which map is the correct one that will lead you to treasure. I am not sure about the obstacles I will create. My last resort is a race against a timer, but I'd rather find something more interesting.
I will see tomorrow :)

Whale, I'm done! 0

TimTips • 4 years ago 

I had a lot of fun creating this. My highlight has to be the recording of whale sounds. If they didn't before, my neighbours now think I am totally nuts.
I do wish I had more time (as usual) and would have refined the gameplay mechanics. I had a ton of ideas to add but I would also have liked to refine the way whale-steering works. Whale, it is what it is.
If you like, take a look at

Whale Whale Whale

Whale whale whale 1

TimTips • 4 years ago 

It's swimming!

Some weird stuff 0

TimTips • 4 years ago 

Alright, so I am doing this. I just worked an hour on a quick prototype before I went to bed. This is morning one and the first real day of working on it.
I started off with a tile-mining "get as deep as you can" "idea". I actually did a quick prototype (I like to do these things as "evolving design") and will not use any of it.

Instead I am now actually trying to pull something off in the genre of "Gamified Fakeucation" (that I may very well just have made up) and will be a weird and hopefully entertaining piece about the life and reproduction of whales.

I will use Illustrator, Spine for animations, Unity as engine and Reaper for recording.
I wish you all a lot of fun!

Edit: it's spelled whale not wale. There you go fakeucation!
Edit2: Here's the whale

I'm in! 0

TimTips • 7 years ago 

Hey there,

my name is Tim, I have participated in 13 "ludum dares" (that doesn't sound right …) and several miniLDs and other smaller jams over the last years. I am happy to see a new jam here and am looking forward to playing all your games (and creating one myself ofc) ;-)

I will probably use unity this time. I used to make games in Java+Libgdx+artemis-odb(the best java entity component system period ™©®) but I gave in to the luxury and ease of rapid prototyping in unity … Sometimes I think I made better games when I coded everything myself though ;)

Have a good time ! looking forward to reading your progress reports :)

High scores

1 x12 x03 x1
Beauty and the Deep
by Subatiq
5 coins savedFebruary 25th 2020
by remco
1'09"089 March 5th 2020
DIG DEEP: Artifactually Incorrect
by dorkulon, Elchao, cloakedninjas, treslapin
294 June 15th 2020