Withdrawel 4

Nanukk Luik • 5 years ago on 4th Alakajam! entry  Ancient Sinkhole

After voting for literally every ranked game on here. I'm having withdrawel. THE FIFTH ALAKAJAM CAN'T COME ANY SOONER!?

Comments (4)

 • 5 years ago • 

Hey Nanukk! Congratz on voting on all the games and kudos for actually pulling through with that!

Nanukk Luik
(@NanukkLuik)  • 5 years ago • 

@elZach there were some seriously awesome entries.

 • 5 years ago • 

Don't worry, we have another event coming along in November! And you're allowed to start early for that one too :D

Nanukk Luik
(@NanukkLuik)  • 5 years ago • 

@toasty ooo. Yeah I read up about it - I do like the challenge of a game jam though. Puts me on my toes.

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