Discover the final results

jam ran February 21-23

Discover the results of the 8th Alakajam 0

Wan • 4 years ago 

It's official: the results for the 8th Alakajam! are out! You can find the results here:

Solo winners | Team winners

Kudos, high fives and back slaps to everyone who participated, in whatever way(s) you chose to. We hope you had a blast! If you have things to say about the event, feel free to share any feedback on the #headquarters channel of our Discord server.

Upcoming events

The 9th Alakajam! will take place on the 19-21 June 2020 week-end and should be a special event if all goes as planned. Expect a more detailed announcement on the matter soonish :)

Before that, the next event is held in March, and will be a gaming competition called AKJ Tournament. For two weeks, the community will be invited like last time to play & compete on jam games! If you want to submit your own game to the event, make sure you have ticked the "Allow game use for tournament" option in your game page. The moderators will hand pick four games from the list.

Thanks for being part of this fun event, we hope you had a nice time! See you soon <3

The game ratings phase is on 0

Thrainsa • 4 years ago 

For the next two weeks, all entrants are be able to give ratings on other games. Take some time to play & rate games, and even better write some feedback about it! Getting constructive feedback is one of the best ways to learn and improve one's game design skills, so please dish it out in buckets. While people who didn't enter the event cannot rate games, they can still post reviews.

By rating & commenting (even on Unranked entries), you will gain Karma that will make your game more visible to others. A high Karma gives you more chances to get ratings yourself and reach the minimum of 10 to be classified. Otherwise, you will not get a final ranking!

On March 7th, at 7pm UTC the final results will be released and the winners crowned :)

Go go go! Play and rate games!

Bonus day for unranked submissions 0

Thrainsa • 4 years ago 

Congratulations everyone for joining the jam :)

Submissions are still open for unranked submissions: while those won't be officially ranked, they can expect as many people to play & comment on them. So, if you haven't finished your game in time, it's not too late to complete something! Game submissions will completely close Monday at 10pm UTC.

We will post more details about the voting phase tomorrow evening, but you can already go play & review games right now!

The theme is DEPTH 0

Wan • 4 years ago 

With the theme now revealed, the 8th Alakajam! has started! Let's make games :)

Submission times

The end of the jam is depending on whether you pick ranked or unranked. You can create your game page at any time during the jam (and update it any time after it's created):

  • Ranked: February 23rd 7:00pm UTC, which means you have 48 hours (+1 hour for late entries to create their page).
  • Unranked: February 24th 10:00pm UTC, which means you have a bit more than 72 hours

Big thanks to DanaePlays and @Aurel300 for hosting the awesome launch stream! If you missed it, you can still find it on her Twitch channel.

Cool things to do during the jam

  • Write a blog post: Share your thoughts on the theme, post your progress, images of food or gifs of cute animals. You can also free to use posts for advertising live jam streams.
  • Tweet about #alakajam and follow the alakajam Twitter account
  • Initialize your game page early!

Have a nice week-end all of you, and see you on the other side!

Jam to be launched live on Twitch 0

Wan • 4 years ago 

This Friday, one hour before the jam launch, DanaePlays and @Aurel300 will host a livestream! Featuring jam host @Thrainsa as a guest, it's the closest thing we have to meeting in the flesh, and also:

  • a chance for winning magnets and stickers (???),
  • for watching the top 10 themes getting eliminated live,
  • …and of course for getting 300% hyped before 48 hours of jamming!

See you on DanaePlay's Twitch channel :)

Theme Ranking 1

Thrainsa • 4 years ago 

Theme Ranking is up for the 8th Alakajam!

You can now choose which are the best themes for you and this 8th Alakajam.
These 10 themes came out from a list of 174 themes so they are surely all good but which one is THE THEME?

To give you motivation and inspiration, try to give us here an elevator pitch of a game having the more themes ;)
I'll start:

You found a Treasure Map that reveals Secrets Loots coming from Among the stars. Theses loots were buried in the Depth of the sea by a powerful Summoner. Your journey starts in a peaceful Harbour but The road will be long and perilous until you can finally Steal the secrets from the summoner. As soon as you leave the harbour the Weather starts to to change and soon the worst storm you've ever seen is upon you…

Theme submission and voting is up! 4

Raindrinker • 5 years ago 

Theme submission is up for the 8th Alakajam!

Whether you're one of those people that submit floating islands on every jam on the planet, or you're a Voxel follower and really want to have GIANT ROBOTS win for the first time in history, get in there and submit some themes!

Be original! favor themes that:
- Refer to gameplay and mood instead of literal theme and elements
- Are abstract or can be interpreted in many ways
- Don't constrain the games too much into a specific game genre

But hey, I'm not the police, do whatever you want :)
Have fun!

Schedule of the 8th Alakajam! 1

Wan • 5 years ago 

The next edition of the Alakajam! event will start on February 21th.

As always, the event is about making a game, from nothing, in a weekend. Teams or solo devs, beginners and professionals are all welcome to participate. If you opt-in to the competition, you will be ranked against every other contestant! If you prefer a more relaxed setting, the unranked jam will still give you an opportunity to get plays and comments.



Dates Phase Description
February 7, 7pm UTC Theme submission and voting You can submit theme ideas for the jam and vote for all other submissions.
February 14, 7pm UTC Theme shortlist Only the best 10 themes are kept. Rank them by order of preference in this final phase of theme voting.
February 21, 6pm UTC Countdown stream An official stream is held on Twitch bu @DanaePlays, @Aurel300 and guest @Thrainsa to launch the event!
February 21, 7pm UTC THE JAM!!! Start making a game solo or as a team, and simply submit it before the deadline!
February 23, 7pm UTC End of ranked jam The main competition ends here, exactly 48 hours after the start time. Submissions will remain open for an additional hour after the deadline.
February 24,10pm UTC End of unranked jam If you want to go for a relaxed weekend - or need more time - you can create a game in the 72 hours of the unranked jam.
March 8, 7pm UTC Results After two weeks during which all entrants are invited to play, rate and comment on other peoples games… The results are released and the winners crowned!


There are three divisions:

- Solo, in which you make a whole game alone in 48 hours
- Team, in which any number of persons can gather to make a game in 48 hours
- Unranked, a more open division which grants about 72 hours to finish the game. Useful for those not interested in the competitive aspect of the event, want to work on an existing project of theirs, or simply did not finish their game in time.

See the full rules for the Alakajam.

How to enter

All you need to do is:

  1. Create an account on this website
  2. Publish your game before the deadline

A lot of participants also post an "I am in" blog post presenting themselves or their team before the event. Describe what tools and frameworks and engines you will use to create your awesome game! Which themes do you like? Let us and the community know!

If you can, feel free to spread the word about the jam - the more we are, the merrier! glhf ;)