
Pay tribute to the box, and pray that whatever is inside brings good fortune.

Every year, the villagers donate food and money to the box, praying for a bountiful harvest and prosperity. Allocate the amount of resources given to the box each year, and balance pleasing the box with keeping the villagers alive.

All you need is a mouse to play.

Made in Unity, all assets made in house in Aseprite.

Comments (7)

 • 6 years ago • 

Just a heads up for windows users (and you guys if you're still allowed to fix this): before you play the game you're going to need to rename Windows_data to Zealotry_data

Caique Assis
(@caiqueassis) • 6 years ago • 


I liked the art style. Minimalist.

Too bad the god in the box (he showed himself!) killed all my population with floods and took all my resources before I could do anything else :C

 • 6 years ago • 

There is an interesting core concept here, in the trade-off between keeping your people prosperous, and… well, keeping the angry god in the box from preventing your people from being prosperous :)

The art style is simple, yet effective, especially as the god become angered, and calamity strikes. The feedback on why a given divine retribution was triggered could be a bit clearer, but the animations of said retribution (as well as the reveal of the god from the box) were a nice touch. Especially since they have color, in contrast to the black and white of the citizens and local area.

Our box Lord provides,
Let's keep the bounty ourselves!
ARGH! Floods and burning!

Sílvia Cavadas
(@silviacavadas) • 6 years ago • 


I tried the game but have to admit that I didn't understand very well what was happening. The concept seems interesting, but I coudn't see the relation between my offers and the result. Or is that exactly the point? :P Also I didn't understand what I was seeing once the box was revealed.

It's nice that the little people are moving, but I would make the movement a little less frantic.

 • 6 years ago • 

Great Game Idea! I like the artstyle (minimalistic, yet effective) and the wiggling people make a nice impression (like in the settlers games).
Figuring out how to balance offerings with the resources avalable is quite a nice concept, though I would have loved to see some differences on the counters (like painting the difference in green/red whether there was a change in the number)

Other than that, sound would have been nice and could have added lot of mood.

 • 6 years ago • 

Interesting idea! Audio effects, more resources and more ways of combining them can expand this game and turn into a very funny interesting game to play! I didn't had trouble with it and could bit it with all my people.
Also, maybe some tutorialing about how things work could be nice. Even tho my people didn't died, I just did random things without completly knowing what was really happing.

Good Work!

 • 6 years ago • 

An odd, random puzzle? Too odd for me. No matter what I tried in the end year-10 always kills off everyone. The box doesn't even reveal its contents when this happens, so that's probably a bug. (Played the Linux version)

Simple effective graphics, although I can't quite understand what the thing inside the box is supposed to be.

Technical issue: Restarting doesn't reset the population or resource values.

Eh, not very compelling to play. Too random.

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