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Welcome to Alakajam!, a game making community. We host informal game jams!Learn more...

The 15th Kajam is on!

Ends June 9th, 8:00pm UTC
Latest posts

Progress report 2

voxel • 3 days ago on 15th Kajam 

Cool kajam! I've picked the following limitations:

Esoteric: My entry targets Windows 3.11. Exactly how I'm going to distribute this in a way that anyone can play it remains to be seen
Illustrator: Hand drawing all the art. I do a fair amount of amateur art for fun, but almost never using physical media. I'm hand pencilling, then inking, and finally scanning all the graphics for my entry. Not being able to repeatedly hit 'undo' each time a line is slightly off has been the biggest challenge in the jam for me
Window dressing: Game windows are part of the gameplay. For one, the game needs 'Windows' 3.1(1) to run, but also involves popping up multiple views, each in its own window. Managing these is part of the gameplay, though not particularly complicated.

Instead of my usual cross-compilation shenanigans I'm making the game from inside a Windows 3.11 virtual machine, hosted on a raspberry pi (my main desktop pc at the moment). The screen redraw in the VM is pretty slow, which means that sometimes moving a window, of which I have many, triggers a ten second or so screen refresh. It's pretty painful but is all part of the fun (I keep telling myself).

I'm using Visual Basic 3.0, which I thought would save me some time being designed primarily for interface design, but having to learn such an old version of Visual Basic might be taking longer than drawing the scribbles illustrations.

The 15th Kajam has started! 0

toasty • 14 days ago on 15th Kajam 

Let the limitations begin!

The task: make a game by 10th of June, using one or more of these limitations. Pick as many or as few as you like - if you're feeling brave, you could even take one from each category. They're intended to be flexible, as we have a wonderfully mixed community creating games in lots of different ways.

Good luck, and let us know your limitations!


  • Cramped: Executable is at most N bytes/pieces/whatever. Choose N appropriate for your platform/engine.
  • Esoteric: Game works on $obscure_platform.
  • Art attack: No assets; procgen only.


  • Geometron: Lines and shapes only: no images.
  • Seeing double: Use exactly two sprites.
  • Illustrator: Draw all your art by hand.


  • Orator: Make audio only using your mouth.
  • Bleep bloop: Music, generated by gameplay.
  • In the field: All audio comes from a single field recording.


  • Over-sensitive: Must use as many inputs (keys, buttons, devices, whatever) as possible.
  • Vestige: The past must leave a trace.
  • Window dressing: Game windows are part of the gameplay.

Note: if you need something more specific for the Demoscene limitations, I suggest looking at the Revision PC events.

The 15th Kajam starts this weekend! 1

toasty • 18 days ago on 15th Kajam 

The 15th Kajam is nearly here!

Get your spellbooks ready folks, because we'll be jamming again in May. The 15th Kajam will run from 3rd May, 20:00 UTC to 9th June. (That's this weekend!)

The theme will be: Limitations.

Back in the day, game creators had to work hard to squeeze the most performance out of their processors and limited hard disks, the best art out of their palettes, and the most fun out of their printers. This is rarely a problem for indies nowadays, but it can still be inspiring to work within limits.

On Friday at 20:00 UTC we'll announce a list of limitations - some like the above, but others, too. When you enter the jam, we want you to choose a set of limitations that inspire you, and then see what you can create over the month.


  • The Kajam rules are very relaxed. The limitations in this jam will be flexible enough to accommodate different styles of gamedev (e.g. using an engine; creating a ZX Spectrum game; inventing a board game). You're also free to change your selected limitations mid-jam - they're here for fun and inspiration, after all.
  • We do ask that you refrain from relying on "AI" to make parts of your game, though. We want to see what you can create, not what ChatRPG regurgitates! If you really really must use AI, make it clear you did, and how.

Getting in early 2

voxel • 1 month ago on 15th Kajam 

Looking forward to another Kajam, thought I'd sign up a little early and make sure it's in my calendar. Bummed I was unable to join the most recent alakajam, so now I have to wait in jam-jail until May.

Hopefully the theme will be something retro-friendly, I haven't done any 'modern' gamedev in a few months now - old consoles and computers are better (and people will say 'wow this runs on DOS? so cool!' and ignore the fact that the game is awful).

Also I'm hoping we maintain a no-AI or 'all AI content must be declared so voxel can downvote it' stance on jam submissions. I'm only interested in playing things made by the alakajam community, not content fever-dreamed by water and energy guzzling ML platforms trained on stolen content, thanks!

Floating Islands?! 1

rogual • 2 months ago on 19th Alakajam! entry  A Day in the Sun

Got this puzzle platformer going. Feels like a decent base to build on in day 2. Just gotta add levels, polish and audio until the time's up.

One. More. Time! (with apologies to daft punk) 0

Corbarrad • 2 months ago on 19th Alakajam! 

Floating tech islands in the sky will be the backdrop for my take on the classic lunar lander/space taxi concept.

Let's see how this works out…

The 19th Alakajam is now open! 0

laaph • 2 months ago on 19th Alakajam! 

After a few stumbles, the 19th Alakajam is now open! Make your games! You have until February 25th until sometime in your local time zone (I can't handle time zones) to write your game and submit it! If this is not enough time, or you just don't want to stress, or you want to follow the unranked rules instead of the jam rules, you can go until February 26th!

There are several bits of advice that are traditionally given to game jammers. Advice I like:

  • Don't forget to sleep
  • Drink enough water
  • Have fun!

Advice I recognize as necessary but I don't like:

  • Know your tools
  • Keep the scope small

On the topic of keeping your scope small, I recently watched a TED talk featuring OK GO about why you might want to keep your scope small. They even do the math! It starts out with a song too.

Advice that is sometimes given but I think should be given more:

  • Learn things! Just remember that learning takes time, and you don't have a lot of time in a jam
  • Let your inner creative monster out! If you can fit your crazy ideas in to 48 (or 72) hours, do it!

In any case that was much more of an introduction post than I had intended, I probably forgot to write all the important things, welcome to the 19th AKJ, and have fun everyone!

Join Us for Alakajam! 3

laaph • 3 months ago on 19th Alakajam! 

Dear game developers,

It is with great sorrow that we see the modding Kajam come to an end. While there were… not quite a lot of great mods created, let's give a big cheer to everyone who participated! 🎉🎉

We are thrilled to announce that Alakajam is coming back bigger and better than ever! We are excited to announce that the next Alakajam will be happening on February 23rd-25th.

What is Alakajam?
Alakajam is a game jam where gamers come together to create unique games in just one weekend. The competition is fierce, and the games are amazing!

Theme submission will be opened up soon, as soon as I figure out the correct buttons to press!

Theme submission: now. Don't forget to submit themes that you don't hate!
Theme selection: Feb 20th-23rd. Don't forget to vote for the themes you hate the least!
Jam start: February 23rd
Jam end: February 25th
Extra day for unranked jams: Feb 26th. If you didn't finish on Sunday, take an extra day!
Play and rate games: Feb 26th-March 11th.
Where: this website, also our discord channel
Who: everyone
Why: for the glory!

So, mark your calendars and get ready to join the fun. We can't wait to see what you create!

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us at the email, but really we respond better on the discord channel. Let's make some amazing games together!

Industrial Zone 4

Lunox5 • 6 months ago on 11th Alakajam Tournament 

Using unity and scratch coding, I will be making a Industrial Zone game

Alakajam yearly meeting! 0

laaph • 7 months ago on Feedback Fortnight 2023 

We will be having a meeting to discuss next year's plans, to determine if we have enough manpower to provide additional events, and everything else we need to talk about! The meeting time has been official set to Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 21:00UTC! It will take place on the Alakajam official Discord channel which, you aren't yet a part of, you can join here.

See you there! (Or maybe we will just hear you there, there will be no cameras…)

Latest comments
 • 14 hours ago

Thanks bruv. It's super simple to the point of barely being a game, but it's been interesting to work in Windows 3.11 and try out an old version of... (read more)

 • 2 days ago

This is such a great idea, and the drawings look good too. Bonus points from me for using BASIC!

 • 17 days ago

Hooray for the 'created by humans' limitation!

 • 1 month ago

I could easily get behind the "declare AI trained on large datasets so that voxel can downvote it" rule….

It's so wierd to me that the meaning of AI has... (read more)

 • 1 month ago

Fingers crossed you can join next time!

I think I agree on the AI thing, it's so soulless…

(@Plazmaero) • 2 months ago

İ finished it \o/, this is definitely an original one gotta give it to ya

 • 2 months ago

My island started to go upwards when I started the game and I just had to stay on the island by pressing left or right. Then I noticed that if... (read more)

 • 2 months ago

Found aiming a bit hard at first but got used to it, I presume it's intentional since you mentioned firing at a flat angle. Idea was neat and I enjoyed... (read more)

 • 2 months ago

Fun little game! At first I wasn't a fan of how you had to stop to shoot, but after a while I realised it added a good bit of strategy... (read more)

 • 2 months ago

Overall a pretty fun, short clicker-ish experience. I found it nice that pretty early on the actual clicking was replaced by holding :)

The changes to the island in the... (read more)