
Sniperninja564 #111

Joined 6 years ago


Alchemighetti - My 48 hour submission for Alakajam | Feedback apreciated :D 0

Sniperninja564 • 6 years ago 

This was my very first game made in under 48 hours, one nice thing about making this game was that my scope was much smaller this time meaning I had a lot more fun making this. Originally I was plannning to submit this to unranked since I prefer 72 hours over 48. But because I ended up finishing so early, I was able to submit this for ranked! Anyway, here is the game I made:

Alchemighetti is a "Hot Potato" style game where you need to juggle a ton of potions around. Match the different potion types to make a larger potion. Once your potion is big enough, you can create a "Super'Splosion to gain tons of points. This also allows you to get some "SuperBonus" points. Once you have 4 SuperBonus points, the SuperBonus begins. For a short amount of time, potions are worth huge amounts of points and getting a Super'Splosion during this time will get H U G E amounts of points! Try and get the highest score possible!

Check it out here: Feedback apreciated :D

End of the first day: Loads of progress! 0

Sniperninja564 • 6 years ago 

After an insanley slow start, I was able to basically recover entirely what had happend. Introducing Alchemighetti:

One thing that has been going intresting is that there really isn't a point to this game. It's just dumb fun and I haven't really had such fun making a project like this. Excited to see what will happen and maybe, I will be able to finish in 48 hours!

I'm in! Streaming too! 2

Sniperninja564 • 6 years ago 

Hi, I'm Sniperninja564. And this is basically going to be ludum dare 39 revenge for me as I did not finish last jam!

Some Info:

  • I will be participating in Unranked
  • I will be using Gamemaker Studio 2
  • I will be live streaming this on

Good luck to everyone \o/

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