Good morning everyone ! 1

LazorLord • 5 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! entry  AppleGrowthMonster

This morning I will try to try all the game for this 3rd alakajam!
But first I have a question what represents the 'Karma' value under each game?

also some self promotion always good don't forget to try my game AppleGrowthMonster and trust me the game is at least better than the title.
(I am still whaiting for my first rating. that is really stressfull)

Comments (1)

 • 5 years ago • 

karma is a magic value based on how many ratings of other games the author of that game has given. so if you play many other entries and leave feedback and ratings, then your karma will increase. This makes your game more visible to visitors to the site and so increases the liklihood of someone playing your game!

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