I'm in 5

voxel • 2 years ago on 17th Alakajam! entry  FISH

I've been a bit disengaged from AKJ but I'm looking forward to participating in AKJ17, which will finally be the jam where GIANT ROBOTS is chosen as the theme

Lately I've been dabbling in NES assembly programming, so that's probably what I'll use. I've done a (not great) NES entry using C before, but I've honed my 6502 assembly in onehourgamejam to the point where I can definitely cause some trouble in a jam timeframe.

Comments (5)

 • 2 years ago • 

wekcome bacj

  • 2 years ago • 

my son is learning hiragana; i finally realise your avatar is wearing a ゆ shirt and not just some badly drawn pixel fish @euske

 • 1 year ago • 

Love the 6502. So wonderfully simple. A, B, X, Y, not even support for multiplication. Good luck!

  • 1 year ago • 

@thomastc B? There's no B here, only A, X, Y, all we need!… probably

 • 1 year ago • 

It's been a while… :)

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