Corsair: The Sawgrass Blade

Sneak through and ambush the Skeleton Pirates to save your village!


You don't know why the skeleton pirate crew has been menacing your home, family and neighbors, but you know they need to be stopped. 

Nearby, there's a temple where the Amulet of the Forest has been kept. The priests have fled the temple. It is said that the Amulet of the Forest can be used to summon the Guardians of the forest. 

The Skeleton Pirates, however, have been swarming all over the 10 floors of the temple.


Moving: QWEDCXZA or the Numpad keys to move in 8 directions

5/S: Wait a turn

1-9 (not on keypad) use belt item

L: Move an item from your pack to your belt (takes a turn)

P: Move an item from your belt to your pack (takes a turn)

R: Reload a gun, needs blackpowder

Escape backs out from most menu choices.


Use the movement controls to aim the item, and use Enter/Space to confirm the aim.

The "?" key shows or dismisses in game help


If you get hit by a skeleton, you have to give up a lucky item to avoid death. You start out with a deck of cards that is lucky, and other items can be lucky as well. 

When you sacrifice a lucky item, you're given 5 turns to find a place to hide from the enemies.


Skeletons do not like to walk any grass if they can avoid it.

Jank warning

Don't fill up your entire bag and then try to move an item from your belt to your bag. In the 7DRL (currently only) version, this results in a soft lock.

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