
I'm in 5

voxel • 1 year ago on 17th Alakajam! entry  FISH

I've been a bit disengaged from AKJ but I'm looking forward to participating in AKJ17, which will finally be the jam where GIANT ROBOTS is chosen as the theme

Lately I've been dabbling in NES assembly programming, so that's probably what I'll use. I've done a (not great) NES entry using C before, but I've honed my 6502 assembly in onehourgamejam to the point where I can definitely cause some trouble in a jam timeframe.

Islands 0

joshalex5 • 1 year ago on 16th Alakajam! 

Excited to be joining in this jam again - the last time I entered was about a year ago (if my maths is right).

I'm going for a god-game type experience, hopefully its not too ambitious :))

Making everything myself or using free assets if needed, my partner might help me with music if I ask nicely though!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes. Good luck all!

We are in 0

Laguna • 1 year ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Pirate Warmup

BloodyOrange and I will join the 16th Alakajam. This time just the two of us (compared to the 14th Alakajam where we participated in a group of 6).

I will use my JamTemplate as a starting point for coding and Reaper for music, SFXR for sounds.
BloodyOrange will use aseprite for art and if needed Tiled.

We will try to aim for a smaller game, but let's see what we end up with.

I'm In! 0

TimTips • 1 year ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  mIslands

Hey guys, I'm in!
a few weeks ago, I've been learning to use Blender a little better. I did the infamous beginner Donut-Tutorial and some other stuff and had a lot of fun. So this time I aim to create a game in 3D - which I haven't done in forever.
I'll use Unity together with Jetbrains Rider. I'll create some music and sound effects with virtual instruments (mostly Native Instruments) and Reaper.
Looking forward to making a game and to see and play yours!

edit: I'm really looking forward to the kickoff stream! Thanks for hosting that guys!

Let's jam! 1

Aurel300 • 1 year ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Levitatium

Using… you know it, Haxe!

Maybe I'll try to make a metroidvania?

Way behind on sleep, but still joining 5

thomastc • 1 year ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Poseidon

We have a good shortlist of themes again, and I'm looking forward to jamming! Too bad that I haven't had a good night's sleep for about two weeks now. Let's see how it goes.

Toolset is the usual: Godot, Krita/Aseprite/Inkscape depending on art style, Audacity/jfxr, LMMS.

Return to Batterycorp 0

Aurel300 • 1 year ago on 15th Alakajam! entry  Batterycorp 2: KRANE

For this jam I made (kind of) a sequel to Batterycorp, my Ludum Dare 39 game.

Glad to have finished a jam game after being unable to finish or unable to participate for the last couple of times.

End of the day 1

Luu_Bi_Chu • 1 year ago on 15th Alakajam! entry  Moraq_baby

The process of 48 hours was really fun in general. I was really panic when trying to draw my very first pixel art game, it is quite challenging but I did overcome that. Also, I learn how to make music and hopefully it is suitable with gameplay.

Enjoy the building process and playing games.

Finished! 1

toasty • 1 year ago on 15th Alakajam! entry  COOK THE BOOKS

Quite happy I finished, because I don't normally take part in 48h game jams (if you're curious to know why, see my entry).

Good luck to everyone still struggling with their games! <3

Finally uploaded! 1

mesonpi • 1 year ago on 15th Alakajam! entry  Wordly World

This was the very first Game Jam I have ever partecipated in, and I was able to finish the game. Indeed, there are a lot of things that could be improved with more time, but I'm satisfied (here the entry).
This is the second game I have ever made, and I completely underestimated the time required to draw and animate the sprites, I spent all saturday on graphics while in my original plan they should have been ready in 3 hours of work (ah, what a fool XD)
It was really exahusting, and today I had to rush to get everything completed.

I had the great idea of streaming on twitch the whole process of making the game, which took me a lot of energies. I really learned a lot of things, and now I am really curious to see how other partecipants interpreted the theme and what they managed to do.

Good luck to everyone who partecipated, I look forward to play your games!